Although many problems can happen to the most popular people. In the deficiency of good physical health. But many diseases have specific conditions, such as occur only with females. Or it could happen to men. The Huffington Post website, he said, in addition has included studies on the conditions that cause seven different diseases, including sex, among women, rather than men. This time we look better than that. Conditions that girls should be mindful about what is good.
1. Oher cystitis or MS
Cystitis Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a disease that is associated with the central nervous system. Happened to 2. 1 million people worldwide. But the point is disease is more likely to happen to women than men in two-thirds ever.
A quantity of experts also express that MS is a disease caused by disadvantaged immunity. But with the inability to distinguish the antigen Or substances that activate specific immune responses. Various other medical specialists do not dare to state that MS is a condition induced by an abnormal resistant system.
However, MS usually develops symptoms observed through the age of 20-40 years, beginning with severe muscle weakness. Paralysis, paralysis and loss of vision, and so on. Currently, there is no cure for this disease. Can only be cared for by the symptoms by itself.
2. SLE (SLE)
Laupus or SLE, also referred to as phlebitis. A disease caused by immune system disorders in the body. These resistant deficiencies attack your body tissue. Causes arthritis joints. And organs cause fatigue, bloating joint inflammation, swelling of the feet, swelling, which doctors have researched. This kind of disease is more common with women than men, 9-10 times, and most often influences women used 20-45.
And even though the physician can still not concentrate on the exact cause of SLE, the results suggest that The cause of the condition may be caused by hereditary. Female hormones, being pregnant, UV rays, or certain chemicals that promote SLE in women.
3. Chronic Fatigue Problem
Research results from one institution. Women are four times more susceptible than men to chronic exhaustion syndrome. Indications of the disease are fatigue, with no cause. not asleep Stubborn abdominal pain Digestive system The doctor assumed. Cause women tend to have this disease than men may be caused by some hormones in the girl body itself.
4. Depressive disorder
Depression from the results of the research found that. Women are more likely than men to suffer from this disease, which explains biologically. Feminine sex is more junk than males. Both during menstruation. Pregnancy Or even after birth. The human hormones in the body of women will usually change. And affect their thoughts quite a lot.
The psychologist also added that. Usually female sex is a lot of thinking. Quite acquire greater depth than male. This type of habit, therefore, stimulates stress easier. To lead to depression eventually.
5. Diseases associated with the abdomen
Notice it We all have flatulence and diarrhea. Especially throughout the menstrual period. This is regular with the research of the Institute of Diseases of the Abdomen Health, which says women often have abs diseases more than men, up to 60-70%
The cause is caused by the amount of protein in the body is not balanced. This may be related to female eating behavior itself. Including changes in the body during menstruation. Or while conceived.
6. Irritable Colon Syndrome
Furthermore to unwanted gas and diarrhea. Women often have problems with abdominal dysfunction or chronic gastric pain. The results of a hospital survey revealed. Every year, about 350 mil people with IBD are treated and about 65% of patients are usually female.
But physicians have never been able to identify the cause of this disease more than women. Just assumed the same. May be related to fret. And hormones that make women lack frequency in eating it.
7. Intimately transmitted diseases
in the United States There are over 1 ) dokuz million people with STIs per year and it is notable that patients are more likely to be women than men. That this Department of Well being. And women's health wellbeing United states of america Explain this statement. Vaginal lining of the delicate female. And is more sensitive than the male genital skin. Presently there is more chance of getting bacteria, viruses and sexually transmitted diseases than men.
But that still counts as lucky. That is not reported. Females infected with Cal Press Or gonorrhea from men before. And if the feminine sexually transmitted disease problem. It is likely to talk to a doctor. And having been treated more than male.
And this is a medical condition that young ladies should be aware about it. Because in our body more supportive factors for people diseases than men, so they need to keep healthy.
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